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]]>If you’re considering wooden window shutters for your own home – here are some of the pros and cons to consider.
Privacy – one of the big advantages of shutters over curtains or blinds is that they can offer a lot more coverage and privacy without blocking out the light. When having the shutter slats angled or tilted I can see outside and have a good view of the street outside, whilst shielding some of the view into my property from the drive. As a somewhat nosey neighbour, this is ideal! Where as we previously would have had to pull back our curtains in order to eat in privacy at the dining room table, we can now simply angle the shutters to shield the view whilst maintaining lots of natural daylight.
Kerb Appeal – There is no doubt that shutters look great – and not only from the interior! The kerb appeal of shutters is really high, and they can really make the outside of your home look fresh, modern and clean. We have had lots of positive comments from neighbours and friends who have been really impressed with the way the shutters look from the outside.
More control of light – Having lived previously with very thick heavy curtains I basically had one of two options – fully open, or fully closed, meaning if the sun became too bright my room simply descended into darkness! Now I have the option to have the shutters fully opened and pushed back, angled slats, closed slats and with three different points at which I can open and close the slats, I can have some open and some closed depending on where I am sat. We purposely went for tier on tier with a split tier on the bottom half – this is because I am currently working from home at my dining room table, and it allows me to block out the potential glare on my screen by shutting the lower half, but maintaining daylight by leaving the top half open.
Can fit almost any window – Even if you have the worlds strangest window, window shutters and plantation shutters can be made to measure and fitted to pretty much any space. Unlike curtains which could have light leaking in from the sides, shutters offer complete coverage and almost black out feel once closed.
Energy Saving – In winter, the shutters can create an additional bit of insulation for your home, reducing heat loss from even the best of double glazed windows. In summer, with the windows open behind the shutters, you can benefit from increased air flow and a breeze through your home without the unwelcome addition of insects, wasps or bugs finding their way in too!
The Cost – The obvious negative or con of window shutters has to be the cost, in that there are obviously cheaper window covering options available including blinds and curtains. That said, in my own experience, they have made such a huge difference to the aesthetic of our room that I was more than happy to pay the extra cost. You can bring the cost down my measuring your space and fitting them yourself, however if your window is complex in nature or has any irregularities / non consistent measurements, then you may find that this is a risky option. We personally opted for the fitted service, despite having a partner who was DIY savvy, because we wanted to reassurance of guarantees if something went wrong during the fitting.
Long Lead Time – If you have just moved into your new home and are looking to cover your windows quickly, then window shutters probably wont be for you. We booked our shutters just after the Suez Canal blockage, but even that aside with much of the finished wood coming from China, you are likely to be looking at a ship frieght lead-time of anything between 8 and 16 weeks. Some companies also have order shut off dates for fitting prior to Christmas.
Restricted View – It goes without saying that shutters do block out some of the visibility unless they are opened wide, If you live opposite the most picturesque of views that you love waking up to each morning then curtains may be a more suitable option as you can open these wide during the day and have the freedom of an entirely unrestricted vantage point. With a light airy room we weren’t concerned about shutter frames themselves blocking out light, but if you have a very dark room or dark walls, it is something to bear in mind.
Dust – Like any blind or slatted window covering, they do require a clean and dust every now and again. We found the best way to clean any sticky finger marks (kids!) was with unscented baby wipes or simply a damp cloth.
Kids – Last but not least, and this may be a bit of a strange con, but for children; initially at least, the pull of a shutter slat is pretty strong and they couldn’t help but touch them, opening the shutters, tilting the slats etc and we had to have some strong words about LEAVING THE WINDOWS ALONE. Hopefully the novelty will wear off soon.
Overall, we are really really pleased with our shutters from California Shutters and they have really transformed and brightened up our living space. If you have any questions about our personal experience please ask away!
Lucy x
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]]>Continue reading "Ten reasons why Bridgerton saved Lockdown 3.0!"
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]]>If you haven’t watched Bridgerton yet (the first Netflix series was released in December 2020), then seriously, where have you been!?! You can hardly blame your busy social life – here’s what you need to know.
First released on Christmas Day, Bridgerton is based on the book the ‘Duke and I’ by Julia Quinn – the first in a series of not 2, not 3, but NINE books about the Bridgerton family. Set during the Regency era in England, we meet Daphne – who is determined to marry for love as opposed to simply being matched to the first suitor who shows her an interest. This goes against the grain of traditional in Londons’ Marriage Market – with normally women being matched to partners before they even share their first kiss.
Simon, The Duke of Hastings has also recently returned to town, and he, whilst clearly a very (VERY) eligible Batchelor, has absolutely no desire to marry. His father disowned him as a child, and the last promise he made to him on his death bed was that he would never marry and never provide him an heir.
The Duke and Daphne decide to help each other out, setting up a ruse that they are courting. This interest from the Duke suddenly heightens Daphnes level of desirability, allowing her the opportunity to find someone who she can really fall for. Trouble is, the more time she spends with The Duke, the more she starts to fall for him instead!
No spoilers here… but here are the 10 reasons why you MUST watch Bridgerton.
Shared anticipation
Of all the things I miss about lockdown, it’s those shared moments in the office where you chat about what you watched on TV the night before – the plot twists, the car crash moments, the scenes which had you on the edge of your seat. Literally EVERYONE is talking about Bridgerton, and it’s a great topic of conversation to have with those who you can’t physically be with during lockdown 3.0.
Lady Whistledown
Think a Regency style Gossip Girl and you’ve got Lady Whistledown – the unknown narrator and writer of the gossip column newspaper that can always be relied upon to discover the scandal that most of the other residents are desperate to keep hidden! Voiced by Julie Andrews, we have hints all the way through on what could be the true identity of Lady Whistledown -and I absolutely loved following Eloises’ mission to discover the truth!
The Cast
Bridgerton features a modern, diverse cast. Not only is the Duke Simon (Rege Jean-Page) incredibly smouldery, good looking and in incredible physical shape (let’s face it we will never look at someone licking a spoon again in quite the same light), but also stars some great actors and actresses including Brummie actress Eloise Bridgerton who plays sister Eloise and Nicola Coughlan as Penelope who you may recognise from Derry Girls. The character building is detailed and deep, meaning you become emotionally invested in characters and their unique, personal challenges.
The Outfits
Who doesn’t love admiring the outfits of period dramas? If you can get past the thrust up breasts (which at times look incredibly painful), the wigs and Daphne having the strangest fringe haircut ever known to man, the Bridgerton outfits are just stunning and it’s fantastic escapism to get whisked into another world for a while!
The sexual tension
Not your average period drama, the tension and build up here is edge of your seat stuff. From spoon licking, to promiscuous rendezvous and first sexual experiences, there is plenty within Bridgerton to get your pulse raised!
The Marriage Market
There is something incredibly amusing yet absolutely terrifying about the prospect of being paraded around like an item to be bid upon, before potential suitors literally turn up at your door to declare their intentions to marry. It’s been 10 years here and I still don’t have a ring on it, but with two children out of wedlock I’d have certainly bought shame to my family based on Bridgerton standards!
The Scandal
Think we’ve had it hard in 2021? Imagine growing up in an era where you become damaged goods the instant you lose any sense of purity? From hidden pregnancies to affairs, questions over sexual orientation and forbidden goods, Bridgerton loves a bit of scandal and you don’t always see it coming!
Characters going against the grain
Throughout Bridgeton, there are many characters who go against the grain in terms of their behaviour and lifestyle choices. Of all the characters, I personally bloody love Eloise – this is a woman who refuses to be labelled purely by her gender. Hair down, bust covered and a girl who loves to write – Eloise is a raging feminist fighting for women to be given the same opportunities as men.
The Anticipation
Will they, wont they, should they, could they!??! So mannnnnny questions!!!!
More to come….
Now that the first series has been boxset binged, it’s left a huge Duke shaped hole in our lives but knowing that there is more to follow is a real relief. If you cant wait till then and need to fill your Bridgerton void so to speak, you can check out the full range of Bridgerton books on Amazon now!
(Image of Bridgerton card available at
Did you watch Bridgerton? What did you think?
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]]>Continue reading "10 ways to host Virtual New Years Eve Celebrations 2020 during Lockdown"
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]]>Normally we would be out for a meal with friends and family, heading to a fireworks display or partying until midnight. This year however, most of us are now looking for alternative things to do on New Years Eve and having our New Years Eve celebrations will be at home.
Don’t however be despondent – there are plenty of fun ways to celebrate New Years Eve 2020 at home, making the most of technology and still sharing the countdown to midnight with friends and family. With many of us already having experienced a virtual Christmas in 2020, here are 10 ways to host Virtual New Years Eve celebrations during lockdown.
One thing is for sure, New Years Eve with COVID on the scene is going to be different! However you choose to host your virtual New Years Eve celebrations, I hope that you and your family have a happy, healthy and slightly less stressful 2021! Happy New Year!
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]]>Continue reading "10 terms we hope to see the back of in 2021"
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]]>There are a few phrases and terms we have overheard over the last 9 months that quite frankly, I cannot WAIT to see the back of in 2021. Which ones do you hate the most?
No. Just no, absolutely none of this is normal. There is nothing normal about people fighting over bog roll, being too scared to give your Dad a cuddle and trying to teach your own children fractions using gummy bears. There is nothing normal about living within your own four walls, never getting dressed (or at least not the top half) and spending most of your working day talking to colleagues through a screen. Sure, there have been some minor positives (particularly during the summer months) but if you ask me, this new normal can stick it – I want the old normal back.
2. Tiers
Before 2020, the prospect of tiers sounded amazing. Three tiers on a bloody big wedding cake, loads of delicious toppings, bucket loads of icing and ideally a cute little couple perched on the very top. But now? STOP ADDING TIERS!!! The prospect of tiers are terrifying, particularly when what started as 3 tiers rapidly became 4. Whilst the idea of an extra tier of cake (to save for the christening perhaps) sounds really appealing, more tiers of lockdown, does NOT.
3. Circuit Breaker
As the partner of an electrician, this term is not to be confused with the electrical safety switch, designed to protect an electrical circuit from damage when overloaded. No in 2020, a circuit breaker has basically become the threatened version of ‘turn it off and turn it on again’; in the hope that whatever the hell was going wrong before the switch was pressed would automatically be fixed when the screen comes back on. Sadly, the circuit breakers require people to actually give a damn for them to work and it appears that ship sailed quite some time ago.
4. Covidiots
We’ve always had idiots, social media Karens and conspiracy theorists, but in 2020 we’ve welcomed a whole new version – the Covidiot. The one who still believes that COVID-19 is a myth, that asking people to save the lives of others goes against their human rights, and decides to pack themselves into a train seconds after being told they should stay at home to contain a new strain. Sadly there’s no cure for this one. The vaccine may protect against COVID, but not against stupidity.
5. Unprecedented Times
Since March, I would estimate that roughly 85% of my emails have been signed off with ‘stay safe’ and started with ‘I hope you are keeping well in these unprecedented times’ I don’t want to live in unprecedented times any more. I want to live in precedented times. What does precedented even mean? Whatever, I want to be back in times where I am moaning about the person from the office that always leaves wee on the toilet seat, the smelly sandwiches left in the fridge and that one colleague who always talks WAY TO LOUD on the phone! I miss office politics, drama and gossip. I miss NORMALITY.
6. Bubbles
Ahhh everyone loves bubbles right? I have memories of the girls running around the garden hysterically laughing trying to catch them before they pop. Bubble machines, giant bubbles, bubble wands and biggest bubble competitions. Nope. Not in 2020. In 2020 the prospect of a bubble bursting is every parents living nightmare. Whether it’s a childcare bubble, a family bubble, a Christmas Bubble or a single parent bubble, I don’t want to see ANY of these bubbles ever again. Bring back with open arms the pot of washing up liquid that gets spilled within approximately 10 seconds of giving it to your child instead.
7. Rule of Six
Pre 2020 a rule of six could easily have been describing the number of beers in a pack, the number of abs on your ideal date, the number of strings on your guitar or hell, six geese a laying. Not anymore. It also appears that even with the most simple of sums people haven’t quite managed to add up correctly.
8. Self-Isolating
The very term sounds weird when you look at it doesn’t it. Isolate from ones self? With your self? In theory as a parent, the prospect of self isolating with a bar of chocolate and no kids to share them with sounds like self care heaven. Not in 2020. 14 days *or more recently 10* of hell, where the entire family has to stay inside at all times. NOT FUN.
9. Working from Home
2019 was the year that we all longed to work from home. The luxury of working in your own comfortable surroundings, wearing your slippers under the desk, having a DECENT cup of coffee and a quiet calm home. HA. No one mentioned that in 2020 you’d certainly get that wish, but sadly you’d be doing it with 2 children at home too. Now working from home almost definitely requires the inverted commas that had previously been used as an insult, because in 2020, working from home also includes bum wiping (in addition to your own), snack sourcing and referring arguments about the iPad. Joy.
10. Remote Learning
*Shudder*. How lovely remote learning sounds – hybrid learning, a flexible education, balancing both home and classroom based learning. If we were talking about studying for your adult qualification around childcare, or getting the masters you’d always aimed for then this would have sounded great. Sadly in 2020, remote learning means your little cherubs are learning at home and 9 times out of 10, YOU were their new teacher.
So there you have it – 10 phrases from 2020 I NEVER want to hear again. What else would make your cut?
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]]>Continue reading "10 ways to make the most of a small nursery space"
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]]>Make the most of the space UNDER your cot, which is otherwise wasted. You can buy under cot drawers which are great for storing folded blankets, cot sheets and spare linen, as well as towels and thicker clothing that would otherwise take up valuable drawer space.
Space saving furniture
If your room really is tiny (our daughter was in a box room), you may find it hard to find traditional cots and cot beds with the dimensions to fit such a small space. Some companies specifically sell cots, beds and children’s furniture for smaller bedrooms, and these are a great place to start. They tend to have custom dimensions that are slightly narrower or shorter than a standard cot bed – the only downside being that they often need a custom sized mattress too.
Hanging Storage
Make the most of otherwise waisted space such as the back of the bedroom door, or the side of the cot with a hanging storage set – these hanging storage options usually include a number of pockets in which you can pop some nappies, nappy bags, creams, lotions, spare socks and such the like, so they are not only quickly and easily accessible but dont take up valuable draw space either. They have some adorable designs to choose from all of which can be coordinated with your nursery’s theme or colour scheme.
When you have limited floor space in a room, don’t forget to make the most of the walls by taking advantage of the height of the room too. Using shelves to store baby books, keepsakes or even to pop on the baby monitor without cluttering up the floor are really helpful. Some shelves can even include storage boxes or integrated hanging pockets for storing folded baby grows or clothes.
Over cot baby changer
If you have limited floor space, bending down huddled over to change your babies nappy, particularly during the middle of the night can be really uncomfortable. Over cot baby changers take up far less space and are also much more ergonomically friendly; meaning your far less likely to cause yourself back or neck pain in the process.
Think about furniture that coverts e.g. cot beds
Don’t just think about the short term – chances are once your baby moves into their own room they may be in there for some time. Think about opting for nursery furniture that converts as your baby grows up – cot beds that convert from a cot to a toddler bed means you are likely to get much more longevity for your money.
Stick to the essentials
Avoid clutter, particularly when you are limited on space. Stick to the absolute essentials you need to keep in your baby’s nursery and leave the rest in another room out of reach.
Fold clothes rather than hang them
When your baby is tiny, there is no real need to invest in a wardrobe which takes up lots of space for minimum reward. Babygrows, vests and onesies can easily be rolled or folded to take up far less space.
Choose the colour scheme wisely
Opt for lighter colours where possible, avoiding darker shades that can make the walls feel closer and smaller. Gender neutral shades such as light greys, off whites and lemons work really well.
Introduce as much light as possible
Try and get as much natural light into the room as possible to make the room feel more light and airy. If you do use blinds, keep them up during the day, ensuring that cords are kept safely stowed away out of reach.
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]]>Continue reading "10 ways to get closer to 10,000 steps a day!"
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]]>Go for a walk / run on your lunch break
If you are working from home all day, you may find that the only real walking you do is to and from the fridge. Why not set the alarm and make a conscious effort to go for a walk / jog or short run your lunch break – even if just for half an hour. Walking for 30 minutes at a reasonably fast pace will not only increase the number of steps you take but also raise your heart rate and boost your melatonin which will help you relax and sleep more easily when you finally switch off for the day. Plan a route around your local park, discover some hidden treasures around your local area or simply do a fast paced tootle around the block – it all helps work towards your 10000 steps a day! If you can complete the odd errand like posting a letter or scooping up some milk on the way around, even better!
Arrange walking meetings
In 2020 more than ever – meeting colleagues or friends outside in the fresh air to catch up rather than on video conferencing or face time can not only be good for your fitness levels and step count but also your mood and wellbeing too. When deep in conversation with someone else you can very quickly forget about how far you’ve walked and clock up a few kilometres before you even realise!
Walk to the school run
Obviously we don’t all have the luxury of having lots of time in the mornings, but if you are working from home and are able to do so, walking to and from the school drop off and pick up is not only sometimes a far less stressful option, it’s also often just as quick and more eco-friendly too. If your child is happy walking, the 20 minutes there and back to and from the school twice a day is a sure fire way to boost your step count closer to 10000 with minimal effort!
Pace whilst on the phone
How many phone conversations do you have a day at work? Do you generally sit down for them? Why not stand up and pace the floor instead? As crazy as this may sound, standing up actually helps project your voice too, making you sound more confident in what you are saying. Slowly walking around your living room whilst you talk is an easy and effortless way to increase your step count, stretch your leg and avoid eye strain / poor posture by getting up and away from your desk.
Dance before bed
At the end of the day, myself and the kids love a bit of a dance party in the living room. A mini disco if you will! We stick our favourite songs on the Alexa, and have a good old boogie to some classics, whether its Christmas songs, 80s power ballads or electro punk; we find any soundtrack with a good beat and we dance our little hearts out.
Find a walking buddy / join a virtual walking group
During lockdown virtual walking groups have become a real lifeline for many people, with participants signing up to try and reach a set target of 10000 steps a day or a certain distance by the end of the month. Not only is this great motivation and encouragement to get you moving, but it can prove to be a great way to connect with other like minded people who can soon become friends and a support network too. Most come with facebook or social media groups so people can share photos, stories and details of their daily walks. If you’re looking for something like this the Virtual Walking Groups from This Girl Runs are a great place to start.
Enter a challenge
Why not create a challenge with a group of work mates and ask your employers if they’d be willing to donate a prize for the team member who walks the most steps in a month? If you are of a competitive nature, colleagues competing against each other, even if for glory alone, can really motivate you to get out there and increase your steps before bed. Just when you’ve packed your trainers away and think you’ve got a steady lead on your team members, Maureen igoes for a quick dog walk after dinner and knocks you off the top spot. Don’t be complacent and do a few laps of the garden before bed!
Embrace the science using a fit bit or sports watch
Again for those who like to be competitive, treat yourself to a fit bit or smart watch where you can track not only your step count but your calories burnt and distance covered. You can link up with friends to share data, create challenges and get visual medals and rewards for achieving your goals. If its Garmins or fit bits specifically you are after, you can usually pick up some great bargains on these in the Black Friday, boxing day and VIP Next sales too, so keep an eye out for these.
Stair Climbs
If all else fails and you don’t live in a bungalow – embrace the stair climbs! Set your alarm for 15 minutes and climb up and down the stairs as many times as you can. Whilst this option isn’t the most efficient way to boost your step count number, its also great for your leg muscles, toning and booots your heart rate.
Make the most of the great outdoors
We are members of English Heritage and National Trust here; and packing up the family for a nice walk in the great outdoors, particularly when there are lots of beautiful gardens, landmarks and rural views to explore, is a great way to increase the step count, have a socially distanced catch up with friends or blow the cobwebs away.
There you have it – 10 ways to increase your steps to 10000 a day. How have you increased your step count in 2020? Do you walk 10000 steps a day?
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]]>Continue reading "10 Ways to Celebrate a Virtual Christmas"
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]]>If you are looking for virtual ways to celebrate Christmas with your family over Zoom, Microsoft Teams or other online video conferencing tools, here are ten ways to help you celebrate Christmas remotely when you can’t physically be together.
Whatever your plans are for Christmas – please stay safe. Lets hope that we can all have an alternative Oz style Christmas bbq in the Summer instead. We will be together again – for now we just need to ride it out and keep doing what we can to show our loved ones that we care.
A Merry Christmas from me to you.
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